Impact on livestock

The impact of the outbreak on the livestock sector is huge. Reduced access to animal feed,  diminished capacity of processing companies due to logistical constraints, labour shortages, closure of markets and diminishing demand due to reduced disposable income are the main problems faced by the sector so far.
As per the President of All Island Poultry Association in Sri Lanka, around 5,000 broiler farmers and 3,000 layer farmers in the country have been significantly affected by the pandemic. At the outset, 12,000 MT of poultry meat was stuck in cold storages while another 8,000 MT were remaining to be harvested. The price of chicken eggs fell drastically just before the lockdown, causing heavy losses for layer farmers.
Dairy farmers are among the least affected category as they were still able to sell most of their milk during the lockdown. Dutch service providers could therefore look forward to continue with their existing cooperation without much disruption.
Further, the Department of Animal Production and Health imposed restrictions on import of live animals, animal products and animal by products from March 2020 onwards. This decision was taken as a precaution to COVID19 infection. The department later confirmed that the import is still possible subject to clearance from OIE and the assessment will be on a case by case basis before granting import permission. This will provide the room for Dutch exporters to continue with their operations as before. 

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